
KnowThis.com is primarily an information and resource website for those involved in marketing, marketing research, advertising, selling, promotion, and other marketing-related areas.


KnowThis.com is committed to providing quality information for business professionals, academics, and students of marketing and related fields. This is accomplished by offering highly detailed information and educational materials that are either freely accessible to site visitors or available at an affordable price.


In November of 1997, a conversation between a university marketing professor and a university business librarian brought to light the lack of a centralized internet resource dedicated to the field of marketing. This conversation was the starting point for building an online directory of marketing resources. By October 1998, the project moved from the university to the domain name KnowThis.com where it remains today (see A Brief History of KnowThis.com for images of early versions of our site). Over this time, the site has grown from a web directory to offering in-depth, high-quality marketing information that is referenced by hundreds of college, university and public libraries around the world, and listed as a resource in numerous marketing textbooks, trade books and trade publications.

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