Preparing a Market Study Tutorial

This tutorial provides information and guidelines that professionals and students should consider when presented with the task of researching a market. What follows is NOT a Marketing Plan. Rather it discuss aspect of a Market Study, a component within the larger Marketing Plan. (For more information on developing a Marketing Plan see the How to Write a Marketing Plan Tutorial.) Thus, the information provided should not focus so much on what is being planned but on what has been learned about the market. However, the person doing the research can allude to what is being planned in order to set the stage for why the data is being collected. For example, a marketer can say “Product X is planned to target a specific segment of the XYZ market, consequently, we have investigated certain aspects of this market.”

Those interested in following these guidelines should not limit themselves to what is shown. Feel free to include more if it is appropriate. The guidelines apply to almost all products and services. Additionally, these guidelines can be adjusted in order to be used as a study of an organization as a whole and not just products/services.

Part 1: Objectives of the Research

The report starts with the researcher providing the rationale for undertaking the study. The tasks associated with this section (no more than one paragraph in length) are to:

Part 2: Description of the Market

This sections contains:

General Description

Target Market(s)

Products/Services Appealing to Market

Part 3: Market Metrics

Included in this section are:

Size Estimates (current and future)

Growth Estimates (current and future)

Part 4: Competitive Analysis

This important section of the Market Study includes:

Summary of Current Competitors

Full Analysis of Top Current Competitors

Potential Competitors

How to Do Competitive Analysis

When doing a competitive analysis is part of a market study, the preparer of the plan can follow a format that is shown below. This report would be made for each of the major competitors. While most of this report focuses on the overall analysis of the competitor, it should be recognized that the researcher is primarily interested in how this information may impact their company and, specifically, a product or product line. Thus, one should make sure, where possible, to focus information on how it impacts the markets in which the company’s product competes.

Part 5: Additional Information

The final section of the market study includes other information including:

Extraneous Variables

Market Trends

Presenting the Market Study

When a formal Market Study is to be presented in a written form we suggest the following guidelines.

The formal document is preferably in a double-spaced format but that is not a requirement. For plans that are printed and given to others, it is recommended it be delivered in a large binder. Whether printed or presented in digital form, the Market Study and should include the following:

Section One

This section contains the written report with Title Page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Body of Report and Endnotes that contains full citations. Include charts or graphs in body of document, however, if there is a page count limit it is generally suggested only small graphics go in the main body and the rest be placed in an Appendix section. Make sure all pages in the body are numbered. For a printed Market Study, this section can be bound (e.g., spiral) and inserted in the large binder. This way just this section can be removed.

Section Two

If needed, include an Appendix for larger graphics and other important materials, such as a survey, tabulations, etc.

Section Three (optional

All referenced documents, websites, social media postings, etc. are included here. Try to section off these documents (e.g., using tabs for printed reports). For large printed documents, such a large research reports, place in a folder that has holes for the binder. For things that cannot be included, such as books, it is suggested to include a copy of the book’s title page, copyright page and the page(s) from which material is referenced.

All Files – (optional)

It is generally a good idea to retain a backup of all material and files using such methods as on a storage device (e.g., flash drive) or online storage location (e.g., cloud storage).

Other Considerations

Other things to consider when preparing a Market Study include:

Identify Source(s) of Information

The information provided in a Market Study should be based on research collected AND NOT on one’s own perceptions, guesstimates or other unsupported statements. Where necessary, explain how the research was conducted or how data was collected (e.g., explaining how survey was done). When utilizing outside sources for information, these sources should be identified either directly in the section of the study where the information is presented or via references to Endnotes at the end of the study. The only exception to this may be within the SWOT analysis, however, even most of this should be supported with some evidence.

Report Study’s Limitations

If the researcher is unable to find certain information it is probably a good idea to make this known so the person reading the report would know of this potential limitation of the Market Study. Obviously the researcher needs to collect good research so the Market Study does not end up having too many of these statements. Also, make note of any limitations of secondary research (research you obtained from other sources) that you used. Unless there are very significant limitations you can generally include this as an endnote.

Define Key Terms and Concepts

It is generally a good idea to define important terms and concepts when first introducing these. This will benefit those reading the report who may not possess knowledge in this area. Alternatively, a glossary or definition section in the Endnotes area of the report can be created.

Need for Cost/Benefit Analysis

If the Market Study is looking at a new/different way of doing something with present customers, then a discussion of the cost/benefit of alternative options will be needed. That is, what will customers give up to use something new versus what they will get from using the new product.

Provide References

Reference as much as is needed. We recommend using Endnotes instead of footnotes. Endnotes appear next to the sentence, word, quote, number, etc. but usually not as a superscript but in parenthesis like this (5). The full reference would appear at the back of the report in an Endnotes section.
